A Journey Through Theological Enlightenment

In the tapestry of spiritual growth, there are threads woven with knowledge, experiences, and shared laughter. Last year marked a transformative chapter for 23 Sisters from 10 different congregations, among them,11 of us represent the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. Our diverse assembly includes 5 Burmese sisters, 4 Vietnamese sisters, and 2 Sri Lankan sisters, who embarked on, ‘Diploma in Religious Studies-Sister Formation’, in Aquinas College of Higher Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

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With a curriculum comprising 49 subjects, ranging from the depths of theology to the intricacies of psychology and spirituality, this course became a beacon of light, guiding for us on a path of enlightenment, joy, and camaraderie. The heart of the course delved into the core of theological understanding, exploring the scriptures and doctrines that form the foundation of faith. Beyond the academic, the curriculum embraced the holistic development of the individual. Psychological subjects played a pivotal role, equipping us with tools to understand the complexities of the human mind and emotions. This not only enriched our personal lives but also enhanced our ability to offer compassionate guidance to those whom we serve.

Throughout the course, moments of inspiration were abundant. Whether it was a breakthrough in understanding a challenging theological concept, a shared revelation during a spiritual exercise, or a simple act of kindness, these moments became the stepping stones of growth. The shared laughter, the deep spiritual insights, and the bonds forged have left an indelible mark on our lives. This journey was not merely an academic pursuit; it was a celebration of faith, a testament to the transformative power of knowledge, and a reminder that, in the tapestry of spiritual growth, every thread contributes to the beauty of the whole.

Walking down in memory lane...

My heart wretches with gratitude and in nostalgic pain,

at the thought it will never ever happen again...

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My mind eye sees the slashes of faces & places long gone by...

Of classrooms and lectures, Of lecture buckets and plenty of subjects

Of different habits and sweet smiles, Of funny activities and stressful exams

Of heavy books and furtive looks. Of junk food and movies

Of secret talks and celebrations

The Voices... The Choices...

The favorite haunts with companions I hung out with once so near...

Now draw a wistful smile & a bitter sweet tear....

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...


God knows when we shall meet again...

"Don't cry because it's over... Smile because it happened"...

Sr. Dishani Tharaka, FMM

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