Stages of Formation


1st Stage


If you are interested in joining us, you are given the opportunity to learn the basics of living as a community. You'll participate in various activities to get a glimpse of the life you will be leading. English classes are also part of this stage.


2nd Stage


If you choose to move forward after the pre-candidacy period, you become a candidate of our Institute. During this time, emphasis is placed on deepening your prayer life and understanding the Scriptures. Since we are an international congregation, special focus is given to learning English, the official language of the Institute, to ensure communication across different cultures.


3rd Stage


During the Pre-Novitiate, you will study the Rule of St. Francis of Assisi and learn about Franciscan Spirituality. You will be introduced to our Foundress, Blessed Mary of the Passion, and to our charism, which encompasses five dimensions: Franciscan, Marian, Missionary, Community, and Eucharistic vocation. You will also have the chance to receive psychological support to heal any past experiences. This period is a time of intense discernment.


4th Stage


In the Novitiate, your discernment process continues with the guidance of your formators. This two-year formation period prepares you for a full commitment as a religious, living in a community. You will study the Constitutions based on the Scriptures and the writings of our Foundress, and experience living our charism in a practical way. The discernment process intensifies during this stage.

Temporary Profession

5th Stage

Temporary Profession

After two years in the Novitiate, you will make temporary vows, which will initially last for three years. As you take your "First Vows," you will join a new community and begin your mission, which may take many forms. This period allows you to deepen your understanding of relationships within the community and the parish, further discerning your commitment as a Franciscan Missionary of Mary.

Perpetual Profession

6th Stage

Perpetual Profession

You will become a permanent member of the Institute after a deeper discernment program, lasting from four to six months. The accompaniment process continues, and following your final vows, ongoing formation remains an essential part of your life, enabling continuous growth and renewal.

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The Franciscan Missionaries of Mary continue their mission of peace and love in today's world. Are you ready to embrace this mission with us?

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